National Drivers Test

With a focus on driver education in mind, GMAC set out to gauge the current knowledge of the American public with the second annual GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test. Shockingly, 1 in 11 licensed drivers would fail a written drivers test if taken again today.

Now, you can take the test yourself and see how you measure up. Answer the following 20 questions taken from written state drivers tests, and you will be given your score at the end. Good luck!

1. Where should you park when you need help after your tire suddenly deflates while driving on a highway? (Select one)

a. In the right hand lane

b. Off the pavement

c. Where your car will be visible for 200 feet from the front

2. This sign means: (Select one)

a. Business district ahead

b. Divided highway ahead

c. Obstructed roadway ahead

3. Use your high beam headlights at night: (Select one)

a. As little as possible

b. Only on unlit streets

c. Whenever it is legal and safe

4. When you are driving in the left lane of a four-lane freeway and wish to exit on the right, you should: (Select one)

a. Carefully cross all lanes at one time

b. Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane

c. Slow before beginning each lane change

5. This sign means: (Select one)

a. The road ahead has many curves

b. There is a sharp curve in the road ahead

c. The road ahead may be slippery

6. Highways are most slippery: (Select one)

a. During a heavy rainstorm

b. During a light rain

c. Just when it starts to rain after a dry spell

7. When waiting to make a left turn, you should give the right-of-way to vehicles coming from the opposite direction: (Select one)

a. Until at least two vehicles have passed

b. Until dangerously close cars have passed

c. Until all of the cars have passed

8. Turn your front wheels toward the curb when you are parked _____. (Select one)

a. Facing uphill

b. On a level road

c. Facing downhill

9. On a sharp curve, you should use your brakes to slow your vehicle: (Select one)

a. During the entire time you drive through a curve

b. Before you enter the curve

c. Just after you enter the curve

10. If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust, precipitation, or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on your_______: (Select one)

a. Parking lights

b. Interior lights

c. Headlights

11. If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, you should: (Select one)

a. Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction

b. Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding

c. Slow down gradually by easing the gas, and not applying the brakes

12. When a car with bright headlights comes toward you at night, you should: (Select one)

a. Move toward the right edge of your lane

b. Look above the oncoming headlights

c. Look below the oncoming headlights

d. Look toward the right edge of your lane

13. A pedestrian crossing at the corner has the right-of-way: (Select one)

a. At marked crosswalks only

b. At marked or unmarked crosswalks

c. Only at intersections controlled by signals, lights, or stop signs

14. An orange and red sign of this shape means: (Select one)

a. Roadwork ahead

b. Vehicle has the right of way

c. Slow-moving vehicle

15. The following sign indicates: (Select one)

a. The right lane will end ahead

b. The highway will be divided ahead

c. Less space between lanes ahead

16. This sign means that you should not pass: (Select one)

a. Other vehicles for any reason

b. Unless it seems safe to do so

c. Until after pass the sign

17. Which of the following must you obey over the other three: (Select one)

a. A steady red light

b. Police officer

c. Stop sign

d. Flashing red light

18. Which of the following is used on some highways to direct drivers into the proper lanes for turning: (Select one)

a. Flashing red lights

b. Flashing yellow lights

c. White lines on the side of the road

d. White arrows in the middle of the lanes

19. What vehicles must stop at all railroad crossings: (Select one)

a. Pick-up trucks

b. School buses and passenger buses carrying passengers

c. Motorcycles

d. Vehicles towing a trailer

20. What are the colors of the warning signs that indicate hazards ahead, such as curves in the road or narrow bridges: (Select one)

a. Black letters or symbols on a white background

b. Black letters or symbols on a yellow background

c. White letters or symbols on a blue background

d. White letters or symbols on a green background